Thursday, July 21, 2011

Make Love Not Horcruxes

Please excuse my nerdy-ness but... 
I've got a serious case of the Post Potter Depression.            

I read the first Harry Potter movie when I was in either third or fourth grade. I alluded to nerdy-ness in my younger years in my snarky bookworms post. But Harry Potter is really what made me love reading. Don't get me wrong as a kid I always liked reading those colorful picture books. But when it came time to "grow up" and read books without pictures nothing captured my interest. I remember my mom used to buy me a book every time we went to the mall  to encourage me to read. But I would start them and not finish them, or left them on the shelf to gather dust. It wasn't until I read HP that I realized I love reading. And if there's a book this good there must be many more out there. This series holds a special place in my heart because I, like so many others, grew up with it. With each book I matured, but so did the characters in the book, as well as the story itself. I remember waiting with anticipation for each book to come out and the sleepless nights that came with devouring it right away. Literally reading it under a blanket with a flashlight and hoping my parents wouldn't check up on me and make me go to bed. When I read the final book I was in highschool and it was a sad day. But I had the Wizarding World of Harry Potter to look forward to and the last movies. Now i'm in college and i've seen the last movie. It feels like the end of an era.
The Cure
  • Re-read the books.
  • Watch AVPM again.
  • Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on July 30th despite the disgustingly hot Florida summer and the ridiculous amounts of tourists and kids still enjoying their summer vacation.
  • Continue with the HP crafts.                   

Inspired by the one made on craftster <3 

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